Railway Dinner At Princetown – 1895

Western Morning News – Monday 21 January 1895

Railway Dinner At Princetown

At Princetown branch line, GWR employees annual dinner Mr. John Higman, stationmaster at Princetown, presided, and was supported by Rev WA Badger, Messr W. Duke, A Row, J Forbes, J Crocker, A Pope (London), W Stanbury and M Stawt.  The vice chair was filled by JW Butland (Plymouth).  After a capital dinner, loyal and patriotic toasts were drank with much enthusiasm. – Mr T Knapman in proposing.

“The Great Western Railway,” gave a brief to sketch of the history of the line and expressed the hope that a late train from Plymouth would be available for Princetown folks during the summer months.  He complimented the company and possessing such a genial and obliging staff of officials on the branch. Messrs T. James, J. Butland, S. Palmer and R. Stephens responded.  –the Chairman proposed “Our subscribers” and Messrs Duke, Forbes and Crocker replied. – “The trade and prosperity of Princetown” was responded to enable speech by Mr A. Rowe.  –“Our visitors” was proposed that from the chair, and Rev. WA Badger, in response thanked the party for their hospitality, and stated that the arrangements for their entertainment reflected great credit on all concerned, and earnestly the same good fellowship would continue to cement the employees together in a bond of love and sympathy.

Messrs. Butland, Pope, Duke, Crocker and Stanbury also replied.  – for “The Press,” proposed by Mr. Higman in a very complimentary speech, Mr TE Knapman for I was asked to respond.  – The other toasts were “The Ladies” and “The Chairman.” It was decided to convey to Mrs. Higman and Misses Rowe and Higman the thanks for the assembly for their kindly efforts to ensure the success of their annual gathering songs and recitations were rendered by Messrs. J Stone, W Crispin, R. Stephens, J the Crocker, T. James, G. Lightfort, T. Symonds, S Palmer, W. Butland, J Forbes, J Higman and T. Knapman.